Embark on a thrilling adventure through the Swiss Alps, driving a Porsche 718 Boxster on renowned mountain passes. Conquer legendary routes like the Furka Pass, featured in James Bond’s “Goldfinger,” and the stunning Susten Pass. Soak in awe-inspiring alpine vistas, visit the breathtaking Aare Gorge Walk, and indulge in luxurious stays including the classy 5-star Superior The Chedi Hotel in the mountain-resort of Andermatt. Your driving tour includes a pre-set sat-nav for effortless navigation, ensuring a seamless and exhilarating ride. Enjoy every moment of this meticulously planned trip, designed to offer both excitement and relaxation amid Switzerland’s natural beauty. Experience the ultimate blend of adventure, luxury, and scenic wonder on this unforgettable Swiss Alps tour. Reserve your experience now for an unforgettable journey!