Ancient Olympia Tour Private Car or Van


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Olympia is a sanctuary of ancient Greece where the first ancient Olympic Games took place at approximately 776 BC in the honor of Zeus. They were then held every four years, like nowadays, during the ” Olympia”, the most significant celebration of the ancient years. The last Olympic Games took place in 393 BC, while a liitle later their final end was instructed.
As we will be wondering at the place, we can also see many monuments, like the Temple of Zeus and the Temple of Hera (Heraion), the Bouleuterion and the Prytaneion, as well as the Ancient Stadium where the Olympic Games were conducted and the Palaestra where the athletes were training.
Finally, we are going to visit the Archaeological Museum of Olympia. It’s one of the most important museums of Greece, which hosts the findings of the ancient sanctuary of Olympia.

Ancient Olympia Tour Private Car or Van
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